Travel trade

Tool box

Tool box

Here you can find useful links, access to the media library and download our trade presentation and any document you may need.

travel trade a warm welcome 2023
Tool box

Trade presentation

Download our Geneva Trade Presentation and find useful information about the destination for your clients.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Download the brochure
media toolkit geneva tourisme-5

Access to Geneva Media library

Get access to high-resolution photos and videos from Geneva.
Go to the media library

Geneva Sales Guide

This guide brings together all Geneva's assets and special features to help you present our beautiful destination to your customers.
Open the Sales Guide

Geneva Watch Tour

O Geneva Watch Tour o conduz pelos muitos símbolos da relojoaria, para admirar as mais famosas marcas e lojas que despertam o desejo do mundo todo.
Walk through Genevan watchmaking

The DISCOVERY MAP is the ideal tool for exploring Geneva!

Combining practicality, readability, and storytelling, the map allows for easy navigation in Geneva and the discovery of its must-see places, its surroundings, its history, as well as funny anecdotes.

Download your map online or pick one from Geneva's Tourist Information Service

Descubra o nosso novo "Mapa de Descoberta" de Genebra

Want to know more? Discover Geneva's secrets!

Why Geneva