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Château de Voltaire


The famous philosopher at home

Near the Swiss border, the Château de Voltaire, built from 1758 to 1766, will host for 20 years one of the most illustrious philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. It is for this reason that the house is classified as a historical monument.

The Château was built by Voltaire in 1758 and was a meeting place for the greatest minds of the Enlightenment. He spent 20 years of his life there, pursuing his combat against intolerance and writing his greatest works. Visitors can enter the philosopher’s private world by wandering in the restored apartments and discovering his life and work through innovative digital tools.

Details & Price


Open daily:

Jan-> Mar: 10am › 5pm

Apr -> Sept: 10am › 6pm

Oct -> Dec: 10am › 5pm

Jan 1st, May 1st, Dec 25th: Closed

Price & conditions

• ID necessary to cross the French border.


Adult 9 CHF


French, English


Château de Ferney-Voltaire
Allée du Château - 1210 Ferney-Voltaire
Appointment place: Château de Voltaire 01210 Ferney-Voltaire France