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Guided tour : Palais des Nations.

The secrets of the Palais des Nations.

One hour behind the scenes at one of the biggest world organisations.

Built between 1929 and 1936, the Palais des Nations houses the European headquarters of the United Nations and is, after New York, the largest UN centre. More than 25,000 delegates are welcomed there every year and many works of art are exhibited.

In addition, the Palais opens its doors daily for exciting guided tours!

Take a guided tour of the Palais des Nations and learn more about the United Nations and the UN in Geneva. Our guides will inform you about the United Nations and its activities to maintain peace, foster international relations and development.

You will discover the Palais des Nations, a unique building, formerly the headquarters of the League of Nations. The Palais des Nations, an outstanding example of 20th century architecture, is located in the beautiful Ariana Park in Geneva, Switzerland.

Details & Price

Price & conditions

Accessible only with guided tours.

Due to the conference programme, the tour route may be changed without notice.

For security reasons, visitors are not allowed to enter the Palais des Nations with luggage or large bags.


Reservation only on our



Palais des Nations
Avenue de la Paix 14 - 1202 Genève